I remember back in 6 years ago, when I was just started learning Ez2dancer, there's a senior who can played "Blind mode" for the song Make Love (club mix). That time i never thought I can manage to reach his level, but now, finally I made it.
Well, compare to Vision, I took shorter time to conquer it, i just took 2 days to study the arrows (Friday & Saturday) and did my first attempt on Saturday night, well, it surprised me that I able to pass the song.
Then on Sunday night, I managed to score A for it, then Marilyn dared me to get A+. So i took the challenge and told her that I can did it within the next 3 days.
Monday was a disaster cuz I couldn't focus at all, all the misses and goods seriously blew my chances of getting A+. Eventually I released my anger by shouted out loud in the arcade.
But on Tuesday, I even forget certain part of the steps until I wasted 4 to 5 rounds. Again I released my anger twice on the Ez2dancer machine and once on the Daytona. Things gone bad to worse when my knee started to pain out of sudden again, and I lost my balance quite a few time and I almost felt down but i grabbed the bar just in time.
Then i finally got the best result with just only 1 single miss, but the grade for it still A only. Which mean I couldn't afford to miss a single arrow in order to score A+.
After few rounds, things turned to the good side, I finished the song with just 1 miss, then the result screen showed A+, I was stunned at first then shouted "YES" loudly. Finally I made it. but total attempt on getting A+ = 19 attempts.
Back in 3 years ago, I took 2 weeks to study the arrows for Vision, then took a week to score A, another week to score A+ and took me 2 months to try blindfold on it (P/S: that's is my very first attempt to blindfold on Ez2dancer) which I get to pass with low grade, then soon, finally I get to score A and A+ (sometimes only) for it.
But other than me, there's one more freako who can do "Blind mode" for the song Southwest Cadillac (club mix). His name is Nicholas, click here check out his friendster profile.
Well, my next target would be "Blind mode" for the song Southwest Cadillac (hard style), if successful then I will try to blindfold for both Pierrot and Southwest Cadillac.
Southwest Cadillac, here I come!